Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Three Importent Things to teach your Children

     The mind set of survival is a beauty in its self but being able to transfer that mentality is a whole new blessing in its self. Your children during the ages of 2-14 is when they are at the most vulnerable and need to be guided in the proper action in the case of a kidnapping attempt. Aside from the "beware of strangers" routine you should teach them to bite the arm of the attacker. To escape the attackers grip a hard chomp just about anywhere will make an attacker let go, usually. Next after escaping the thing after they escape the child should be taught to run to the nearest mom with younger children. If that is not possible they should run to a store.
     There are a few useful items your child should start to carry around at the age of 7-8. One of the things is a whistle. After they blow it a few times they should be instructed to only blow it in emergency situations. Another very useful item is a multi-colored flash light. This has a plethora of different uses one of them is if your child becomes lost at a fair or anywhere in general they should turn the flash light on. These are just a few ideas to keep your family safe. Thanks for reading enjoy.

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