Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Three Importent Things to teach your Children

     The mind set of survival is a beauty in its self but being able to transfer that mentality is a whole new blessing in its self. Your children during the ages of 2-14 is when they are at the most vulnerable and need to be guided in the proper action in the case of a kidnapping attempt. Aside from the "beware of strangers" routine you should teach them to bite the arm of the attacker. To escape the attackers grip a hard chomp just about anywhere will make an attacker let go, usually. Next after escaping the thing after they escape the child should be taught to run to the nearest mom with younger children. If that is not possible they should run to a store.
     There are a few useful items your child should start to carry around at the age of 7-8. One of the things is a whistle. After they blow it a few times they should be instructed to only blow it in emergency situations. Another very useful item is a multi-colored flash light. This has a plethora of different uses one of them is if your child becomes lost at a fair or anywhere in general they should turn the flash light on. These are just a few ideas to keep your family safe. Thanks for reading enjoy.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Toilet Paper and Toothpaste

We sometimes take things for granted like simple commodities and handy items that we use for everyday use. One of the major things is running water. Also A/C is an enormous comfort when it is 106 degrees out side. A simple thing like toilet paper would be sorely missed during a shtf or a teotwawki. How would you get by with out toothpaste? Here is a few ideas how to conquer the the shortages of toilet paper and toothpaste.

1. A manuel pruessuer sprayer
2. Corn cobs
4. Rags but then you have the problem of washing them and also eventualy replacing them.
5. Pages of phone books you can soften them up by dipping them in water

1. There is always the baking soda mixed with water
2. http://www.instructables.com/id/Homemade-Toothpaste-1/#step1
3. Another way is to mix baking soda. sea salt and a little bit of your own prefered flavoring


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Multiple use Items in Survival Situations

1. Trash bags.
2. Duct tape.
3. Bandana(s).
4. 35mm film cans.
5. Walking staff(s).
6. zip lock bags
7. 550 cord
8. snare wire
9. aluminum foil
10. surgical tubing
11. dental floss
12. sewing needles
13. safety pins
14. flexible cable ties
15. sewing thread

Sunday, December 11, 2011

11 Tips on Outdoor Survival


2)  Knife: You should never leave home with out one! Knives have millions of uses, you can use the blade as a spear. Use them to build shelters and cut firewood.

3)  3 Ways of Starting Fire: Fire steel, waterproof matches and a lighter.

4)  When packing it is better to have and not need then to need and not have.

5)  Stalking Game: when treading on loose stones lead with your toe to keep your balance. When treading
on grass lead with your heel.

6)  When gathering wood and you think you have enough double it.

7)  Fishing Kit: It should contain 10 feet of 30lb test fishing line, 2 packs of 4/0 circle hooks, 3 bobbers  and
some led weights.

8)  Hydration: You may not realize how dehydrated you are getting in the winter because the cold dry air is
sapping water out of your lungs each time you breath.

9)  Adapt, improvise and overcome!

10)  Fear is not an enemy! Fear heightens your senses. Fear helps you to remember your mistakes and learn from them.

11)  Always carry a hammock.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Fire Starter Straws #2

Hola amigos, sorry for the delay in posting I have been real busy the past few days. The first step in making the fire starter straws is to seal one of the ends. Take your needle nose pliers and clamp one end of the straw like this:
Next you have to take the cotton and petroleum jelly mix and force it down into the straw using an ice pick etc. then you seal the top just like the bottom. The finished product should look like this:

There you go that's how to make a fire starter straw when needed cut open in the middle and fluff it up a bit and you are ready to go.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Fire Starter Straws

Today I made some Fire starter straws out of some:
patroleum jelly
dryer lint
I will post pics tomarrow very efective! All you have to do is take some dryer lint and cotton fluff them up together and then put them into a plastic bag then add about a table spoon of patroleum jelly. mix it up then roll it into little strings and put them into straws which are cut up into 5" peices. You can seal the straws up with a match and some neddle nose pliers. I will take pics of the process and post them tomarrow.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Project #1 Alice pack frame

Here is a project i have been working on
This is an Alice pack frame for hiking and campouts. The tube running up the side of it is a water canister the whole frame is made out of PVC and it is made so it can hold water. It holds about a gallon which is very useful if you are on a hike. It is 3/4  inch PVC and the water canister is 2 inch. There is also a place at the bottom for a tube so you can drink while you are walking.

Friday, December 2, 2011

First Post

Hey Friends, Just posting to say hi and welcome to my blog. This Blog is about DIY survival and customizing tools and making new ones please enjoy and keep reading!